How you can stretch but not snap…

A key part of my business is providing coaching to leaders, so they can achieve growth – at an individual, teams and organisation level.  The game is all about growth in one form or another, as we know if we are not growing in business we are getting left behind. 

I have had the great pleasure of coaching many leaders across the years, and the one common denominator I see is the answer to the growth question – is in vertical development. 

What I refer to as the “size of the cup” for leaders. By creating a bigger cup, that can handle more, so the leaders that have greater capacity, are able to think differently, cope with more uncertainty they are the ones leading the game now and into the future.   

You will not find my leadership coaching as part of any traditional leadership development program, my coaching is designed and proven to lift and support leaders to think differently, deliver more results and grow overall capacity. 

I have based my leadership coaching on my model – the Three PEDALS OF EXCELLENCE” – where Performance, Growth, Wellbeing = Excellence. This results in feeling good, doing great and getting better! 

I coach leaders to stretch as far as possible, without snapping because we work on growing capacity. But as a leader you must drive your own development as ultimately your growth is in your hands! 

Is it time for you to do different in your leadership? 

Let’s see how far you can stretch to deliver growth!

#stretchnotsnap #growth #threepedalsofexcellence


Founder & Director

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