Announcement: The Intime Collective has moved aside for the ‘Louise Gilbert’ brand

A book to help
‘Make work work for you’

Leaders and teams want to create change. The good kind. Change that supports them being the best they can be.

This book covers themes of wellbeing, growth and performance and provides practical activities readers can try immediately.

‘Make work work for you’ is coming mid 2024.

Sign up to win free copies of the book

Whether you’re looking to make a change within yourself, your team or the whole organisation, leaders must consider wellbeing, growth and performance.

Wellbeing, growth and performance are intertwined – a weakness in one will impact the others.

Love work, love life. Make a big difference to yourself, your team and the performance of your organisation.

This book will help you do this.

Louise Gilbert

Soon to be author.


– Work life contamination
– Work life whiplash
– Work life wealth

– Build motivation to change
– Drive your growth
– Build adaptive capacity

– Language of stress
– State management
– Honour needs not norms

Part 2
Your Team

– Team tetris
– The meeting ritual
– Quality conversations

– Clean feedback
– Team experience
– Need, not noise

– Aligned purpose
– Aligned relationships
– Role clarity

Part 3
Your Organisation

– Built-in wellbeing
– Change
– Engagement

– Curiosity
– Look before you leap
– Guided growth (coaching)

– Agility
– Culture
– Innovation

What makes this book different?

Much has been written about leadership, wellbeing, ‘work-life balance,’ relationships, teamwork and change.

But these have all been written as separate topics. And not always practical.

This book provides 27 ‘moves’ leaders can make that will create a positive change for them, their teams and organisation.

This book addresses why and how wellbeing, growth and performance come together in useful framework with practical activities that can be tried straight away.

Using real life case studies and entertaining stories, it brings together the extensive collection of key ideas Louise has been supporting leaders and teams with for the past 15+ years.

The book is the answer to the questions leaders and teams have been asking Louise since she started The Intime Collective.