What’s your happy place?

We’re all in need of a little positivity right now.

If you’re on our mailing list, you’ll hopefully have seen my recent email in which I shared my joy in seeing my 4-year-old son dance around the house to Martin Garrix. It got me thinking about our “happy places”– I love dance music and I’m really missing being able to get together with a group of friends in a huge crowd of people to let loose! I’m glad, however, that I’ve been able to see this same passion emerging in my children and that even in times of restriction, we can laugh, dance, and have fun together at home.

That said – not everyone’s happy place is loud, sweaty and full of strangers! I got together with my team to chat about how we all have a happy place that looks a little different, and how we use the joy that these provide to help us enrich our personal relationships. I wanted to share a few of the stories that came out of this discussion with you all…


One of my ‘hoppiest’ places is when I go on an outing with my pet bunny, Fannie! Whether we take an impromptu beach day, or a cross-country road trip, I find the simple quiet moments both calming and restorative. Except for the occasional grunt when she wants a treat, Fannie is the best secret keeper I know – and I’ll often get things off my chest to her. As much as I thrive off of my family and friends, it is extremely grounding to set out on an adventure with my bunny. Being able to clear my head, think over an important decision, or just hop around, my hoppy place is just the thing I need to be able to keep my relationships healthy. Having positive engagements with everyone I come into contact with is much easier after having some quality time with my best bun!

Bunny adventures


“My happy place is, without question, a large multi-course dinner with my friends. It’s a long one: we’re talking serving up the first course at around 5pm and continuing late into the night.  I can picture it now: some light but upbeat music is playing in the background, everyone is drinking wine, laughing, swapping stories and drinking even more. After dinner the vinyl gets thrown on and the cocktails get made, the night ends with us all dancing to Marvin Gaye – Got to Get it Up!

These are the most important times for our friendship group. We all take an interest in what is happening in each other’s’ lives – from the “ordinary” stuff to the joys, challenges, adventures and tough times that we’ve been going through. We always come away feeling better connected and it gives us reason to check in more casually with each other at other times.”


“When I think about my happy place, my brain goes straight to a beautiful sunset at the beach. I’m quite a reflective person, and the view of the sunset reminds me that at the end of a long day, we can pause for a while and get the rest we need for a new morning and the interactions we’ll have. The vastness of the ocean also reminds me that we cannot judge anything or anyone by just looking at the surface. You have to go deeper.

Louise’s mum

“It’s got to be in my garden. I like weeding and find it so satisfying seeing the flowers come out – almost as a reward for the time I’ve spent nurturing them. I wouldn’t say I have a set routine for working on the garden, it’s something I do when I’m in the mood – it’s something I enjoy; I don’t want it to become a chore. I love being able to share my garden with my loved ones: a bright sunny day, with a cool glass of something, watching my grandchildren play on the lawn”.

Louise Gilbert delivers masterclasses on helping you use the tools available to you – even if you’re not aware of them yet – to strengthen your relationships. Contact us today to chat about what this could look like for you!


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