What does Make Work Work for You really mean?

I am incredibly excited to be so close to the release of my first book, titled Make Work Work for You. Keep a look out on Amazon and across my social channels for when you can get a hold of a copy. You can also pre-order it now (for delivery in November).

And although I spent many years in the lead up to creating my “literary masterpiece” about to be released – the concept of Make Work Work for You is not just the name I came up with for the book, it is also the mantra I live by and teach to leaders, teams and organisations

The title means I see there is a lot more to work and leadership than people turning up for work, and sleepwalking through life.

The whole point of what I do as an author, director and facilitator is based on my commitment to offering critical insights and guidance, so your work and life are sustainable, enjoyable and successful. 

That’s where my model comes in – the Three PEDALS OF EXCELLENCE” – where Performance, Growth, Wellbeing = Excellence. Feeling good, doing great and getting better! 

You will not find my leadership coaching as part of any traditional leadership development program, my coaching is designed and proven to lift and support leaders to think differently, deliver more results and grow overall capacity.  

The key is to help leaders to stretch as far as possible, without snapping! 

Also, my latest methodology based on decades of change management and coaching, tells us there are 27 Key Leadership Lessons available for all leaders to deliver greater performance, growth and wellbeing. 

My business began with a small group of clients, and a very clear focus that continues today, Louise Gilbert is all about accelerating much needed good change in the world through business. 

So, when you hear Make Work Work for You, it is the title of my book, but it’s also a mantra, statement and promise I believe everyone deserves to say about their life.

#makeworkworkforyou #mantraofwork #threepedalsofexcellence


Founder & Director

Insights to
Make Work Work

Delivers practical things to try to make work work for you.
Sent weekly-ish.